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Veranstaltungen / Events
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Datenschutz / Privacy policy So finden Sie uns / How to find us
Deutsch-Amerikanisches Bürgerbüro German-American Community Office Lauterstrasse 2 67657 Kaiserslautern
Telefon: 0631 363-3010
Fax: 0631 363-3011
E-Mail: info@gaco-kl.de
URL: www.gaco-kl.de
Mo, Di, Mi, Fr 09:00 - 13:00 Uhr
Do 14:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Office Hours:
Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Thu 2 p.m. - 6 p.m.
  Das Deutsch-Amerikanische Bürgerbüro ist an deutschen Feiertagen geschlossen. The German-American Community Office is closed on all German holidays.


Useful Info:

Car Idling Prohibited / Unnötiges Laufenlassen von Motoren verboten

Car idling is not allowed for noise prevention and environmental protection reasons.

Unnecessary Running of Vehicle Engines/Motors

According to paragraph 5, State Immission Law, residents are to refrain from producing all avoidable noise and air pollution which might bother another person.

It is especially forbidden to unnecessarily run noise and exhaust-producing motors, or to run them unnecessarily loud.

In this context we also point out paragraph 30, section 1 of the Road Traffic Regulation, which forbids the unnecessary running of motors and the ensuing noise pollution as well.

We ask you to take this into consideration in the future for the sake of good neighborly relations and environmental protection.


Unnötiges Laufenlassen von Motoren aus lärmschutz- und umweltschutzrechtlichen Gründen nicht erlaubt.

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Deutsch-Amerikanisches Bürgerbüro

Beate Kimmel



German-American Community Office

Major General
Paul D. Moga, USAF
Kaiserslautern Military Community Commander


