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Deutsch-Amerikanisches Bürgerbüro German-American Community Office Lauterstrasse 2 67657 Kaiserslautern
Telefon: 0631 363-3010
Fax: 0631 363-3011
E-Mail: info@gaco-kl.de
URL: www.gaco-kl.de
Mo, Di, Mi, Fr 09:00 - 13:00 Uhr
Do 14:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Office Hours:
Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Thu 2 p.m. - 6 p.m.
  Das Deutsch-Amerikanische Bürgerbüro ist an deutschen Feiertagen geschlossen. The German-American Community Office is closed on all German holidays.


Useful Info:

Fines are charged for not turning on headlights

While most motorists in the north and east of Europe must drive with their headlights on even during the day, in the south and west there are few regulations.

A regulation regarding headlights exists in 20 European countries. According to the German automobile club ADAC, those who don’t turn on their lights during the day must pay fines of up to €200.

These are the fines in the following countries:

Denmark €70
Finland €50
Italy starting at €35
Croatia about €40
Norway about €190
Austria starting at €15
Poland about €52
Russia up to about €200
Sweden about €55
Slovakia about €54
Slovenia about €40
Czech Republic about €18
Hungary about €40

Since driving with lights on in Bulgaria, France, Switzerland and Germany is only recommended, drivers don’t have to pay fines. In 17 European countries the light regulation applies on all streets, but in Italy, Russia and Hungary it is only valid on highways and on streets out of town. In Slovenia, the regulation applies from the middle of October until the middle of March.

(Information provided by ADAC)

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Deutsch-Amerikanisches Bürgerbüro

Beate Kimmel



German-American Community Office

Major General
Paul D. Moga, USAF
Kaiserslautern Military Community Commander


