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Datenschutz / Privacy policy So finden Sie uns / How to find us
Deutsch-Amerikanisches Bürgerbüro German-American Community Office Lauterstrasse 2 67657 Kaiserslautern
Telefon: 0631 363-3010
Fax: 0631 363-3011
E-Mail: info@gaco-kl.de
URL: www.gaco-kl.de
Mo, Di, Mi, Fr 09:00 - 13:00 Uhr
Do 14:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Office Hours:
Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Thu 2 p.m. - 6 p.m.
  Das Deutsch-Amerikanische Bürgerbüro ist an deutschen Feiertagen geschlossen. The German-American Community Office is closed on all German holidays.


Useful Info:

Driver’s Licenses – conversion / Führerscheinumschreibung

If you do have a D-Class Stateside Drivers License, it can get converted to a german license.

Depending on where the license was issued in the U.S.A., you either have to do a written test, driven test or both. A conversion only makes sense if you are planning to stay here longer than your orders as a resident.


For further information do not hesitate to contact us or the responsible Führerscheinstelle (Driver’s License Office).


If you do not have a stateside Driver’s License, you will have to register at a „Fahrschule“ and pass school as well as a theoretical and driven exam.

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Deutsch-Amerikanisches Bürgerbüro

Beate Kimmel



German-American Community Office

Major General
Paul D. Moga, USAF
Kaiserslautern Military Community Commander


